The end of the British colonial rule, Indians gained freedom in 1947. It leads to a creation of two independent states - Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan. When India saved from slavery, our first Prime Minister, Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru had raised the tricolor National Flag at the Red Fort in the national capital, New Delhi. This custom still follows on every year. Independence Day, on August 15, this is commonly celebrated by raising flags in schools and colleges and at government buildings. India's prime minister raises India's flag and there will be a speech at the Red Fort in Old Dehli. The major government buildings are decorated with strings of lights and the tricolor flutters from homes and other buildings. Print and online media may have special competitions and program to promote this eve. Most people may spend the eve with family members or close friends. They may plan a one day picnic or go to a film or eat lunch or dinner a...
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